MEET Patrícia Baptista Nabiço

Patricia is a results-driven and efficiency-conscious Treasury Leader with extensive global experience spanning 18 years. Her expertise encompasses treasury management, corporate finance, budget management, strategic financial planning, regulatory compliance, and financial report generation.

Proficient in developing and utilizing complex financial management methodologies and financial/accounting models, Patricia formulates and implements business strategies effectively. With in-depth knowledge of diverse core financial and business processes, she consistently improves bottom-line profitability and achieves corporate objectives.

Patricia excels as a relationship builder, people manager, and negotiator, adept at presenting strategic financial plans and treasury programs to executive-level decision-makers.

With specialized expertise in restricted markets, particularly in Africa, the Middle East, and the Caspian region, Patricia navigates Forex Regulations and interactions with Reserve and Central Banks with finesse. She also brings experience in managing Joint-Ventures from setup to capital allocation & distribution, and liquidations in complex environments.


“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” 

Patrícia Baptista Nabiço