At CompleXCountries we focus on difficult or complex areas of corporate treasury. We report on how senior treasurers approach challenges in specialist countries and specialist treasury processes and technology.
Our Global Treasury Intelligence Reports are derived from confidential expert led peer conversations between senior treasurers with specific subject expertise. Our reports deliver detailed findings of what is practical and possible from a treasury perspective.
Examples of reports, all derived from expert peer conversations:
- Cash repatriation, funding, local banking & investments in countries such as Argentina, Nigeria, Lebanon, Angola, Venezuela etc.
- Treasury & FX in Turkey
- Banking in Russia, Regional Treasury in the Caribbean
- Pricing intercompany loans in China
- Onshore vs Offshore hedging in India, Risk Management in Brazil
- Bank fee analysis & wallet sizing, Approaches to Bank Relationship Management
- Experiences with APIs in Treasury
- Measuring Treasury Performance
- ESG in Treasury Practice
- You can browse 100+ reports here
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Corporate Treasury ESG Practical Approaches
09-01-2024 | What do companies really think about climate change? What are they really doing?
Corporate Treasury KYC & AML Issues and Approaches
07-12-2023 | We all know there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. If you work in corporate treasury, it seems there is now a third certainty: KYC.
Corporate Treasury Payment Service Provider Relationship Management
02-11-2023 | “May you live in interesting times” goes the old Chinese curse. Whether we are cursed or not, we are certainly living in interesting times.
Corporate Treasury Technology Roadmaps
25-09-2023 | Technology is changing the way many businesses work: with online commerce, many traditionally B2B businesses are moving to B2C
Internal Treasury Relationships
17-07-2023 | “No man is an island”. The phrase comes from the 17th century English poet, John Donne (it has since been used in a popular song….). Nowhere is this truer than in a modern enterprise.
Counterparty Risk – A Reality Check
03-07-2023 | Risk management. Every treasurer includes this as part of their job description, and we are rightly proud of what we do in this area. But, every now and again, we get a reality check. How good are our processes?