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Generational diversity is transforming treasury teams, blending fresh perspectives with time-tested strategies. But with this diversity come gaps in communication, expectations, and work styles that can be both a challenge and an opportunity.
How do different generations tackle the treasury business? What drives these differences, and how can we bridge them to create stronger, more cohesive teams? Join us for an exciting live session on Generational Diversity in Treasury!
GTreasury Innovation Lab Launches with Goal of Accelerating the Development and Deployment of New Treasury Technologies
17-02-2022 | treasuryXL | Gtreasury | LinkedIn | The new business unit is a streamlined proving ground for the transformative solutions that empower modern treasurers CHICAGO, Ill. – February 17, 2022 – GTreasury, a treasury and risk management platform provider, today announced the launch of the GTreasury Innovation Lab. Expanding and formalizing the culture of technology […]
New bill for crypto-transfers hits crypto platforms (Dutch Item)
17-02-2022 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting | LinkedIn | Als onderdeel van haar integrale aanpak tegen witwassen en terrorismefinanciering kondigde de Europese Commissie in december vorig jaar aan dat zij haar meest recente wetgevingsvoorstel – inzake cryptodienstverlening – ter goedkeuring zou gaan voorleggen aan het Europese parlement. Erik van der Leer van Enigma Consulting beschrijft […]
7 Cash Management Trends for 2022
16-02-2022 | treasuryXL | Nomentia | LinkedIn | While the show must go on and treasury and finance teams had a busy life at the start of the year, it’s time to take a look at the ever rapidly changing cash management trends of 2022. While PWC has predicted that the top priorities for CFOs in 2022 […]
The four expectations of Currency Management Automation
14-02-2022 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn | With FX volatility intensifying and exposing companies to even greater currency risk, treasurers & CFOs are faced with many challenges as they look to step up their FX risk management strategy. The key to this is currency management automation, but what are the critical problems an automated solution needs […]
Digital rules (URDTT) for Trade Finance: Episode 2
10-02-2022 | Wim Kok | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | Episode 2 of our series of educational videos is now available. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Episode 1 is, of course, still available on our YouTube channel. Trade Advisory Network Limited and treasuryXL Trade Finance experts launched their second […]
Corporate Treasury: 3 ways to prevent fraud risk in one-time vendor payments
09-02-2022 | treasuryXL | Aico | LinkedIn | Manual payments are somewhat of an outlier among corporate treasury payments. These one-time vendor transactions to companies or private individuals whose details are not in your ERP system pose a significant risk of fraud. They are challenging to track and easy to manipulate in an enterprise environment. […]
Launch of the Treasurer Test 2.0, the new version of the assessment tool for Corporate Treasurers
08-02-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | treasuryXL announces the launch of the Treasurer Test 2.0, the new version of the assessment tool for Corporate Treasurers.
Data-Driven Cash Forecasting Explained
08-02-2022 | treasuryXL | CashAnalytics | LinkedIn | While data seems like an obvious component of forecasting, it’s different to let it drive the whole process. Adopt a data-driven method, and you’ll find that the data can actually do most of the projection work for you.
How companies can improve their multibank cash management
07-02-2022 | Cobase | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | The complexity of corporate structures and the disparate relationships that develop over the lifetime of an organisation mean managing bank interactions has become a complex task. Multiple banking relationships Businesses can grow through mergers and acquisitions. These enlarged organisations often comprise multiple subsidiaries working in several different currencies with a variety of banks […]
Accepting Crypto Currency In Corporate Treasury
03-02-2022 | treasuryXL | ComplexCountries | LinkedIn | As more treasuries will have to start accepting crypto, whether it be an emerging market like El Salvador, for digital assets, NFTs and other goods that are sold in the metaverse. This report explores the experiences of treasurers in setting up their systems to accept crypto currency. […]