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Cash flow forecasting (CFFC)
23-05-2016 | by Udo Rademakers | In recent years and months, we have seen quite a few companies coming into liquidity problems, leading in worst case scenario to insolvencies. This brings us to the question: how important is cash flow forecasting? How to anticipate adequately and to avoid facing “surprises” at the last moment and […]
Uitgelicht: Angst voor brexit jaagt bedrijven naar de beurs
| 20-05-2016 | treasuryXL | Recentelijk lazen we een aantal berichten over de angst voor Brexit die meerdere bedrijven naar de beurs jaagt. (bron: FD, NRC) Onder andere Philips, Basic Fit en ASR kondigden aan naar de beurs te gaan. treasuryXL vroeg een drietal experts om hun mening; Is het inderdaad de angst voor Brexit die […]
When plain crazy just isn’t mad enough
| 19-05-2016 | Pieter Jan van Krevel | So everybody knows about cat bonds. No, not corporate bonds issued by Caterpillar, but bonds linked to catastrophes. Sounds exciting, right? Cat bonds were originally devised in the mid-1990s after Hurricane Andrew and the Northridge earthquake, both wreaking (financial) havoc in the U.S. The financial havoc befell […]
EUR/USD Outlook
18-05-2016 | by Simon Knappstein | The US Dollar is currently going through a soft spell. Most markedly against EM, but also against the EUR. Upside seems contained so far by the very easy monetary policy of the ECB. The question is if we are witnessing simply an extension of the ranging price movement […]
Option Tales: Cheap Options Part I
17-05-2016 | By Rob Soentken | Today in Rob Soentken’s Option Tales: When buying options it is tempting to see if the premium expenses can be minimized. A number of solutions are possible, which will be discussed in four articles. Today I’m discussing the first two solutions: Choose the strike further OTM and Choose shorter […]
Business case – Funding strategy : how Fastned uses Nxchange
| 09-05-2016 | interview with Claire Tange from Fastned Fastned’s growing and they’re giving investors the chance to directly buy and trade in certificates of shares via Nxchange. We’ve asked Fastned’s CFO Claire Tange to explain this type of financing. What is new about this type of financing? Fastned is now listed on a new pan-European […]
Short note on interest rate derivatives
16-05-2016 | by Ad van der Plas | They are often in the news, but what are they and how do they work? Interest rate derivatives are derivatives of the money- and capital markets and are especially designed to give assurance on the interest rate you will have to pay or receive in the future. […]
UItgelicht: KNAB crowdfunding
| 13-05-2016 | Erna Erkens | KNAB bank start met crowdfunding voor ondernemers (bron: RTL Z). treasuryXL vroeg expert Erna Erkens te reageren op dit nieuws: Dat vind ik knap! Een eigen platform voor crowdfunding van KNAB Bank. De eerste bank die hiermee komt. Complimenten! Gerrit Zalm riep 2 jaar geleden nog dat hij geen toekomst zag […]
Is this the solution to solving the derivatives mis-selling issue?
12-05-2016 | by Victor Macrae | Recently the Dutch Ministry of Finance appointed three independent experts to solve the long-lasting issue of derivatives mis-selling in the Netherlands. This is important for both firms and banks as the dispute puts severe pressure on their relationship. Moreover, judges are reaching more and more verdicts in favour of SME’s. […]
Basisprincipes van interne beheersing op het gebied van Treasury – deel II
11-05-2016 | by Jan Doosje | Hoe vaak komt het nog voor dat een externe adviseur of een nieuw aangetreden functionaris moet constateren dat de financiële functie op het deelgebied Treasury qua opzet bij een bepaalde organisatie niet goed ingericht is ? Naar mijn idee te vaak, vooral waar het bedrijven en organisaties uit […]