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Managing interest rate and liquidity risk
| 06-09-2016 | Rob Söentken | Funding is one of the key focus areas of a treasurer. There are numerous dimensions to funding: 1. Assessing amount and timing of cashflows 2. Arranging access to funding 3. Developing and implementing hedging policy 4. Optimizing funding cost and risk Assessing amount and timing of cashflows Assessing […]
Blockchain: Some remarkable announcements part II
| 05-09-2016 | Carlo de Meijer | While Blockchain is seen by many as a network phenomenon that needs large market participation, collaboration and interoperability to succeed, both R3CEV and a group of four large global banks came with announcements that are at least a bit remarkable. The bank-backed consortium had filed for a patent […]
Che Guevara, Musk and 0%. Whose story do you listen to?
| 02-09-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit | In 2015 the Dutch writer Joris Luyendijk published his book “Dit kan niet waar zijn” about the workings of financial markets. An interesting read for all treasuryXL followers and by now, quite well-known. In my perception one of his earlier works is even better. “Het zijn net mensen” […]
Managing cash across borders
| 01-09-2016 | Olivier Werlingshoff | ING has launched a tool for managing cash across borders. Dubbed Virtual Cash Management (VCM), the solution, announced on the 24th of August, provides an array of digital solutions for corporate treasurers, including internal transfers, reconciliation and invoice matching. It also supports payment-on-behalf-of subsidiaries transactions, as well as collection-on-behalf-of subsidiaries transactions. […]
How to: Opstellen van een Cash Flow overzicht
| 31-08-2016 | Maarten Verheul | Cash is king, en met een goede liquiditeitsprognose kunnen financials inzichtelijk maken hoe een bedrijf er nu en in de toekomst voor staat. Dat deze liquiditeitsprognose veel vragen oproept, blijkt uit het feit, dat slecht 10% van de bedrijven zo ’n overzicht maakt. Daarom 10 tips voor financials die […]
Payment fraud – Leoni case
| 30-08-2016 | Udo Rademakers | At the 5th of August I wrote an article regarding payment fraud. Not even two weeks later, Leoni, an automotive company in Germany with EUR 4.5b turnover, has been the victim of massive fraud where USD 40m has been wired … to a crime organization. “Leoni realized it had […]
Blockchain: Some remarkable announcements part I
| 29-08-2016 | Carlo de Meijer | While Blockchain is seen by many as a network phenomenon that needs large market participation, collaboration and interoperability to succeed, both R3CEV and a group of four large global banks came with announcements that are at least a bit remarkable. The bank-backed consortium had filed for a patent […]
Why companies still use Excel
| 25-08-2016 | Lionel Pavey | Do you still rely on spreadsheets in your daily treasury operations? We have read multiple articles on this subject lately and we decided to ask our community: Why do treasurers still rely on spreadsheets? Yesterday Jan Meulendijks gave us his opinion on the topic. Today expert Lionel Pavey talks about the benefits of […]
Do you still rely on spreadsheets in your daily treasury operations?
| 24-08-2016 | Jan Meulendijks | Spreadsheets, every treasurer knows how to work them. Spreadsheets are deeply embedded in treasury operations and they seem hard to eliminate. We have read multiple articles on this subject lately and we decided to ask our community: Why do treasurers still rely on spreadsheets? (source: [separator type=”” size=”” icon=””] Jan […]
Blockchain : What to expect for 2017?
| 23-08-2016 | Carlo de Meijer | We are now 8 months further on in 2016. Blockchain seems to be not a hype anymore but increasingly becoming a reality. What can we learn from what happened in the area of blockchain up till now. Is it possible to make predictions for 2017 and further? Let’s […]