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Generational diversity is transforming treasury teams, blending fresh perspectives with time-tested strategies. But with this diversity come gaps in communication, expectations, and work styles that can be both a challenge and an opportunity.
How do different generations tackle the treasury business? What drives these differences, and how can we bridge them to create stronger, more cohesive teams? Join us for an exciting live session on Generational Diversity in Treasury!
Masterclass Blockchain
| 01-10-2018 | treasuryXL | Samen met IJsselvliet Strategie & Realisatie organiseert The Perfect Fit op donderdag 11 oktober 2018 een Masterclass over het thema blockchain. Blockchain wordt gezien als de grootste IT-revolutie sinds de opkomst van het internet. Traditionele transacties worden door deze technologische ontwikkeling sneller, veiliger en transparanter: blockchain kan voor de revolutie in de 21e eeuw […]
| 27-9-2018 | By Peter Schuitmaker | Kredietbeoordeling door banken? Duidelijk is dat de kredietverstrekking door banken stagneert. Vandaar allerlei nieuwe initiatieven als kredietunies en crowdfunding. Ontwikkeling in de wereld van private equity, participatiemaatschappijen, investeringsfondsen zoals NPEX en de diverse mogelijkheden voor staatsgarantie Garantie Ondernemingsfinanciering, Groeifaciliteit en Borgstellingskredieten MKB. De banken doen nog wel mee. Maar dan met […]
Real and fake risk control – Treasurers and recruiters benefit and suffer
| 25-09-2018 | by Pieter de Kiewit | As owner of a small company I have been listening to people complaining about regulatory and compliance affairs for a long time. 2018 will be the year these affairs have a substantial impact on my business and now I can understand the complaints. Both treasurers, recruiters and, I […]
Reminder Treasury India Summit Mumbai
| 24-09-2018 | CFO Engage | treasuryXL | Treasury’s strategic role continues to expand as it takes on more responsibilities, collaborates with an increasing array of business units, advises senior management and becomes heavily involved in making capital allocation decisions. Treasurers’ skill sets are increasingly in demand to provide analytical rigor and advise corporate leaders […]
What is this Treasurer Test that we will launch shortly?
| 20-09-2018 | by treasuryXL | The Treasurer Test is mainly created to give treasurers, their current and future employers and recruiters insight into the skills and personality of the treasurer. To achieve the foregoing, the test consists of two main parts. Treasury technical knowledge In this section the treasury knowledge level of the testee […]
| 17-09-2018 | Eurofinance | treasuryXL | Join the global treasury community at EuroFinance’s 27th International Treasury Management conference on 26-28 September 2018. This year, we look at how to prepare treasury for the future – because it is no longer enough to just deliver on treasury’s core responsibilities. New technology, business model disruption and unprecedented compliance, regulation and geopolitical […]
5 steps for optimizing payment transactions
| 13-09-2018 | TIS | treasuryXL | They are one of the most important economic transactions and since all times have provided us with order and structure, but at the same time they have been a nuisance, because they are equally complex and essential. They come in the form of cash payments, semi-cash payments and non-cash payments, […]
Treasury is dead. Long live treasury?
| 11-09-2018 | Eurofinance | treasuryXL | If Global Business Services models can do a better job at HR, procurement, networks, IT and data analytics, why doesn’t it just take over treasury? At some firms, it’s already happening. Shared services are again all the rage as companies search for the short-term wage arbitrage of offshoring. At the […]
Reminder Event: TOMORROW’S EUROPE: Uncertainty and unprecedented opportunity
| 10-09-2018 | Reuters | treasuryXL | Join this dynamic discussion where a panel of economic, geopolitical and business experts will explore what ‘Tomorrow’s Europe’ may look like. Europe is at a crossroads. It faces many challenges – from globalisation and geopolitics, to the impact of new technologies and trade agreements. But change also brings great opportunities for […]
Testing Treasurers for Integrity
| 06-09-2018 | by Pieter de Kiewit | Last month Dutch newspapers published about two convictions that made me further think about the combination of treasurers and integrity. In the Vestia case, derivatives fraud within the largest social housing corporation of The Netherlands, the treasurer and broker were sentenced to time in jail. With ABN Amro, […]