2025 is here, and the FX landscape is more dynamic than ever. With a new US president poised to reshape global trade policies amidst rising geopolitical tensions and increasing currency risks, treasury teams must prepare for an era of heightened volatility.
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Who is our treasury guru?
| 08-08-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit | At the end of this year Theo van der Nat will retire. He is professor, working for the Amsterdam based Vrije Universiteit, for the (Dutch) Register Treasurer post graduate education and other organisations. If there was ever one, he is/was the guru of the Dutch treasury community. He […]
8 Career Hurdles in a Transfer from Banking to Corporate Treasury
| 07-07-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit | An increasing number of bankers come to my recruitment desk wanting to make a transfer to corporate treasury. This transfer can be made successfully but there are a number of things to take into account. Below the 8 career hurdles, I hear most about, in a transfer from […]
Funding Stories with a strong Business Connection
| 30-06-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit | Already over a decade the treasury community agrees that the modern treasurer does not act out of an ivory tower. Still, a lot of the treasury stories about funding, I hear in treasury recruitment, are about technical details. I learn in detail about USPP’s, interest hedging strategies and convertible […]
Walk the walk into FX exposure: my first baby steps
| 20-06-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit | Being a treasury recruiter I know how to talk about many aspects in corporate treasury, never having to prove I understand and can execute. Apparently this is not necessary to do a proper recruitment job. As a small business owner I do have my miniature corporate treasury tasks. Below I […]
Treasury Education: great but do not expect career miracles. Do make a strategy.
| 25-05-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit | Last week I visited an information session about financial postgraduate education. It was organized by the VU (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam). I noticed an increased interest in comparison to last years session, which is great. Information was provided about courses I see back in the CV’s of treasurers: CFA, […]
If you are not a Treasurer with the ambition of a Dentist
05-05-2016 | by Pieter de Kiewit | In a previous blog I wrote about a career in treasury possibly being a dead end street. My former boss Cees taught me about the concept of the ambition of a dentist: when you graduate in dentistry, you most likely will do the same at the start of your career […]