Mike Adrichem is a Treasury consultant who has been working for Enigma Consulting for the past five years.
He excels in supporting corporates with their implementation of treasury management systems and payment connectivity hubs, often bridging the gap between the corporates and the banks.
He has extensive knowledge of banking connectivity, SWIFT and payments and has implementedhelps Treasurers be in control by implementing new solutions.
Mike Adrichem holds a Master degree in Business Administration from the VU Amsterdam.
Brexit Drives Financial Institutions from UK to EU License
20-03-2020 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting Since the UK left the European Union on January 31st, Brexit is a fact. Currently both sides are in a transition phase that lasts until the end of this year. For now, it remains unclear how the future relationship between the EU and the UK will be shaped after […]
Does your business need a DNB license? You need to take these 8 steps
07-02-2020 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting Anyone that provides payment services in the Netherlands must either hold the appropriate licence issued by DNB or be excepted or exempted from the licensing requirement. A payment service provider may start operations only after DNB has issued its licence or after it has entered the provider in the […]
Trending treasury topics from the Treasury Barometer 2019
| 29-11-2019 | Enigma Consulting | Bas Kolenburg While the treasury has always managed changes in both financial markets as in the businesses, the pace at which changes now need to be managed is accelerating. In a time of increased digitalisation, payments acceleration and new business models in the whole value chain of payments processes […]
The 2019 DACT Treasury Fair: it’s time to connect
| 01-11-2019 | by Kendra Keydeniers | The DACT (Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers) is organizing their annual Treasury Fair at Hotel NH Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst in Noordwijkerhout on November 14th and 15th 2019. The DACT treasury fair is the most important annual treasury event in the Netherlands. Practice-oriented workshops and specialist presentations on trends […]
IBOR phase out – a serious challenge
| 17-9-2019 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting For the last 40 years IBOR (interbank offered rates, including LIBOR and later also EURIBOR) have been a fact of daily life in the financial services industry. They have been the benchmark for lending, hedge contracts, current accounts, valuation models etc. for a long time till the regulators, […]
Wordt de invoering van sterke klantauthenticatie een drama?
| 30-08-2019 | ENIGMA Consulting | Sinds enige tijd waart er een spook door de wereld van het Europese online betalingsverkeer: sterke klantauthenticatie (strong customer authentication). Webwinkeliers vrezen conversieverlies door afhakende klanten in het afrekenproces. Betaaldienstverleners worstelen om op tijd klaar te zijn met de implementatie. En consumenten vragen zich af of het allemaal wel nodig […]