Associate at ENIGMA Consulting
Frits is geruime tijd werkzaam bij Enigma Consulting in diverse marketing rollen. Momenteel is hij actief binnen Enigma Treasury waar hij een goede aanvulling is op het technische en inhoudelijke team. Frits heeft zich ten doel gesteld de kennis en kunde van Enigma Treasury verder onder de aandacht te brengen.
Is it time to revisit your bank connectivity solution?
| 29-09-2020 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting A lot of organisations have implemented a corporate payment hub for bank connectivity at the time SEPA was introduced in Europe (2012). Since then the technology has changed drastically and new solutions offer richer functionality at a far more efficient operating model via Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It is time […]
Supervision costs 2020: AISPs versus other payment institutions
| 12-08-2020 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting It is mid-2020 and that means that the costs of this year’s financial supervision have been announced. Looking at the payment institutions, there are some notable changes to report. For example, the supervisory costs that DNB passes on to payment institutions will increase significantly. This is partly due […]
Electronic signatures – basic step towards digitization?
| 27-07-2020 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting The COVID-19 virus forces companies to work differently. Within a few days the use of Zoom, Teams and other video conference resources grew and it turned out that a large number of functions could be performed from home. Supportive administrative and operational systems such as corporate treasury management […]
Small progress in onboarding process, Challenger banks remain leading
| 15-07-2020 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting Nowadays, mobile banking apps from pay banks are of great importance to bind and retain customers. The corona crisis stimulates companies to take steps in the field of digitization. For banks, a fully digital, fast and secure customer onboarding process is an ideal image to work towards. The […]
Crypto Service Providers bound by the Dutch Wwft obligations
| 05-06-2020 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting The Dutch Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) law, better known as the Wwft, is recently modified and executed. The most obvious change is undoubtedly that crypto service providers have come within the scope of anti-money laundering legislation. Blog is in Dutch Wat is er gewijzigd? In 2018 […]
From Open Banking to Open Finance: Is GDPR certification the key to succes?
| 03-04-2020 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting PSD2 has now been implemented in Dutch legislation for more than a year. Open Banking is therefore also gaining traction in the Netherlands. In this blog our Partner Enigma Consulting discusses the developments from Open Banking to Open Finance. Blog is in Dutch Open banking houdt kortgezegd in […]