Transform Intercompany Trade with Multilateral Netting

| 19-8-2019 | treasuryXL | BELLIN

Legacy tools yield legacy results

Too many international companies are manually reconciling and netting intercompany invoices. These companies may lack a clear and structured workflow for this process, leading to a host of potential risks and issues along the way including:

  • High volume of intercompany transactions
  • Too many invoice and expense disputes
  • Shadow bookkeeping
  • Lost productivity
  • High bank fees and fx costs

According to a recent Deloitte poll of finance professionals, reconciliation is the biggest intercompany hurdle. With only 9.2% of finance professionals saying their organization has a holistic, efficient, and clear intercompany reconciliation process, there is a clear need for a solution.

When asked what poses the greatest challenge to the implementation of intercompany accounting:

  • 21.4% of participants claim disparate software systems are their biggest challenge
  • 16.8% claim intercompany settlement
  • 16.7% said complex intercompany agreements
  • 13.3% said transfer pricing compliance
  • 9.4% said FX exposure

Introducing a multilateral netting solution

With a centralized multilateral netting solution, companies can boost profit and productivity by gaining global visibility and control, automating processes, settling disputes locally, and reconciling and netting transactions seamlessly.

Average BELLIN clients savings with our multilateral netting solution:

  • 2 days of work per month
  • $250,000 to $1,000,000 on an annual basis from banking and FX fees

Average industry savings figures:

  • 15% year over year growth
  • 50% labor cost reduction
  • €13 saved per invoice through automation
  • 1hr of labor saved per day

Would you like to learn more about BELLIN’s multilateral netting solution? Just reach out to BELLIN for a tm5 demo, or visit tm5 page.