Organised by treasuryXL and Kantox, this live session brought together an experienced panel of experts:

The panelists discussed the importance of ethics management in treasury, the involvement of various teams in the process, the need for visibility and measurement of exposures, and the role of technology in improving risk management.

Cross-Department Collaboration

A key point was the involvement of various departments in FX risk management, beyond just treasury and finance. Effective risk management benefits from input from procurement, supply chain, and accounting teams, ensuring accurate pricing and successful hedging strategies.

Management Support and Risk Oversight

Panelists highlighted the importance of support from senior management. Without it, FX risk management efforts can fall short. They advised treasurers to make a strong case for investing in the right tools and processes.

Antonio stressed the role of treasurers in educating management: “The tool is what gives you the resource to be able to tackle the problem. The responsibility of the treasurer is to open the eyes of upper management of why they need investment in that area. It’s the duty of the treasurer to generate the location, to raise the awareness of how impactful this can be, of how costly a manual mistake can result.”

Additionally, having a detailed risk register and dedicated committees is crucial for addressing risks thoroughly.

Pieter de Kiewit emphasized that tools alone can’t address all challenges: “Don’t understand the underlying problem because they didn’t think about it, or they’re just not smart enough. But the tooling will do so much so, I suppose if you do tooling well, you will present a certain percentage, but it will never be 100%, because you can’t blame the hammer for being a really bad carpenter uses it so the training is still essential.”



Limitations of Manual Methods

Manual methods like Excel spreadsheets were criticized for their limitations. The discussion advocated for automated solutions to better track and analyze FX risks in real time, reducing errors and improving visibility. The panel also encouraged a strategic approach, including clear objectives and effective policy implementation.

Antonio also highlighted the strategic perspective needed: “You need to be proactive. You need to understand. You need to be the right people to bring it and not oversimplify the strategy. You cannot take such a simplistic approach; you need to be able to quantify the risks and make informed decisions.”

Future Directions

Looking ahead, treasurers are expected to work closely with other departments, translating FX risks into understandable terms for all stakeholders. This collaboration and use of technology will help businesses manage FX risks more effectively and gain an edge in a volatile market.

Valentine provided a forward-looking view: “I think with digitization, we’re going to see treasury become more of a strategic enabler for the business. The focus will be on using tools to reduce the operational part of the job and enable more strategic conversations.”

Action Points for Treasurers

Treasurers were encouraged to review their FX exposures, adopt suitable tools, and enhance teamwork with colleagues from other areas to improve risk management.

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