How to prepare for the Treasurer Test

| 1-11-2018 | by treasuryXL |

We recommend to make the test in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed. Don’t be afraid when you can’t complete all questions. There are more questions than you can answer in the time that’s available. If you don’t know the answer on a question, move on to the next. There are several things that will be measured such as speed, productivity and accuracy.

Technical Treasury Knowledge part
Complex calculations have to be made. We advise to have a scientific calculator at hand and a pen and paper to take notes.

Personality Profile part
There is no right or wrong. This section consists of statements in which you must indicate whether or not this applies to you.

Here is a short summary of preparation advice that will help you in advance of making the Treasurer Test:

  • Take the test in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed
  • Make sure you have a scientific calculator, pen and paper at hand
  • You need to finish the Technical Treasury Knowledge part in one time. Same counts for the Personality Profile part. However, you can take a rest between these two different test parts.
  • Move on to the next question when you don’t know the answer. You have limited time (this only counts for the Technical Knowledge part).
  • The test is intensive, take this into account

Roy Baaten – Community Manager at TreasuryXL

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