3 tips for a successful accounting- and ERP-system roll-out

| 23-3-2017 | Christian van Ledden | Sponsored content |


Cloud based accounting- and ERP-systems, i.e. SAP S4-HANA are receiving a lot of attention these days. The result? – Increasingly more companies are considering cloud solutions in their effort to consolidate IT processes and systems. According to a study by Panorama Consulting, in 2015 the share of such ERP-systems increased from 4% in 2014 to 33%.

Cloud is here to stay

From our point of view, this development is primarily driven by two factors: on the one hand, the amount of mature solutions in the marketplace is growing. At the same time, cloud ERP-systems are being positioned more aggressively by their respective vendors. On the other hand, there is a common acceptance of cloud ERP-systems. This is underlined by a study from RightScale, according to which 82% of companies are employing a multi-cloud strategy in 2015, up from 74% in 2014.

The former can also be observed in the cloud revenue figures of SAP and Oracle: SAP increased its revenue from cloud products and services between 2013 and 2015 by a staggering 229% while Oracle recorded similar growth in its cloud segment of 100% over the same period. Oracle’s strategic focus on cloud business is underlined by its recent acquisition of Netsuite.

This development has major advantages for their respective clients. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, corporates can improve their operating profit margin by up to 21% through implementation of a modern cloud ERP-system. These improvements are achieved through optimized processes, higher standardization as well as a more streamlined IT environment.

Fast implementation and cost savings by using the TIS payment solution

The majority of finance and treasury departments are in one way or another affected by the roll-out of a new ERP-system. Generally, the aim is to standardize processes and systems. This brings its own set of IT-related challenges. These can be split into three major categories: processes, connectivity, and change management.

Processes: In most companies, processes grow historically through (international) expansion and M&A activities. The result is a lack of transparency and control of worldwide processes for central finance departments, contributing to a company’s vulnerability to payment fraud. What can you do? If you are evaluating the roll-out of a global ERP-system which includes your finance department, one should think about the current and desired state of (authorization) processes and goals – especially for the finance and treasury department.

Connectivity: Connecting the ERP-system to third party systems is an important factor to consider in terms of payments. Insufficiently secured interfaces with banks, a high number of manual processes as well as the lack of straight-through-processing of payment files increases your risks and have a negative impact on compliance. Moreover, in this context one should not forget the connection with your respective banks. They can be connected through communication channels such as i.e. EBICS, Host2Host, SWIFT, or CAMT. In addition, one has to develop individual formats for each country and bank. Working with our clients around the world, TIS GmbH has achieved savings of between 200.000€ and 1 million € p.a. by implementing its flexible and scalable cloud solution to connect its customers’ banks. This is possible, as TIS owns the most comprehensive library of formats and bank connectors worldwide. This library is accessible to all its clients free of charge, so that you can focus on scaling your worldwide operations.

Change management: In order to ensure a smooth roll-out of your i.e. SAP S4-HANA ERP-system, you should embark on the journey together with your employees. Inform all involved stakeholders early and frequently about the progress of the project. Additionally, you might want to evaluate during the business blueprint phase whether it is advisable to include a specialized consultant. This will increase your chances of success dramatically and support the team spirit.

What are your experiences with IT-projects? I am looking forward to reading your comments.

Christian van Ledden

Sales Executive at Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS)




For additional information please visit the TIS company page on treasuryXL.


3 easy ways to protect your organization from cybercrime in payments

| 3-2-2017 | Christian van Ledden | sponsored content |

Leoni, a well-known German manufacturer of cables and harnessing has recently made the news through a new type of fraudulent behavior. The CEO-fraud is a technique, whereby scammers act as ‘member’ of the organization and convince the controlling department to transfer funds under the pretense the company was in a financial emergency. USD 2 billion in losses due to CEO-fraud since January 2015.

Leoni is not the first company falling victim to the scam. According to a recent FBI report, CEO fraud has been reported by 17,642 victims amounting up to losses as high as €2 billion (around $2.3billion) in the United States alone. The FBI further reports about an astounding 270% increase in identified victims and exposed losses since January 2015.

CEO-fraud can jeopardize the existence of an organization altogether, as the example of the Austrian lightweight components manufacturer FACC shows. After experiencing losses amounting up to €50million, they were forced to increase their equity in order to continue running.

Rising number of cyberattacks in Europe

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the number of cyberattacks in 2015 on finance divisions has increased by a staggering 38%. Root cause for this upsurge lies in the heterogeneous treasury system-landscape, oftentimes including a variety of different ERP systems, eBanking- and accounting tools as well as manual solutions, for instance spreadsheets. Amongst each other, they may communicate via EBICS, HostToHost, SWIFT, ACH or other, even more risky data interfaces. As all these systems operate in silos, the lack of an overarching security process is easily taken advantage of by many criminals.

An additional challenge for finance departments lies in decentralized organizational structures and lacking transparency on bank accounts, daily cash flows and blurred ownerships of workflows and approval processes. The introduction of the four- or six-eye principle will significantly lower the risk of becoming victim to the CEO-fraud as release ownership of financial transactions can be controlled and monitored.

The European Union tightens legislations to protect personal rights

A new legislations released by the European Union will include stricter punishment on organizations for violations on personal rights. The proposed changes include punishments amounting up to €20million, or 4% of global revenue in case of theft of personal data, often found on e.g. bank statements. This change will require organizations to establish more secure mechanisms to protect personal and other sensitive information of their employees.

TIS – Your audit-proof payment transaction platform

3 core topics are crucial for shielding your enterprise from any of these risks: transparency/visibility, workflows and straight-through processing.


Create global transparency on your banking landscape, including the incoming and outgoing payments as well as the signatory rights of all employees worldwide. Establishing a central overview will enable you to guard your organization against any attacks.


Restructure your workflows and approval processes and include a four-, six-, or eight-eye principle. As no single employee can process a transaction, you actively safeguard your enterprise from cybercrime.

Straight-through processing:

Encryption of your financial data, e.g. from your accounting/ERP-system to your banks and back into your ERP or TMS will minimize your cyber-attack risks and make it harder for criminals.

Together all these methods will help to secure your enterprise from fraudulent behavior and fight the new challenges. These functionalities are a small exert of what the TIS payment platform can offer you.

How do you tackle the challenges of cybercrime and minimize fraudulent behavior? Curious for your thoughts & happy to read them in the comments! Please also visit our website for additional information.

Christian van Ledden

Sales Executive at Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS)


Is your payments process limiting your business?

| 18-1-2017 | Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS) | Sponsored content |

TIS iVWith globalisation and an increasingly complex business environment, having an efficient and centralised payment system is vital to any multinational’s success. Recognising this, we at HSBC are proud to have successfully connected to Treasury Intelligence Solutions (TIS) in Asia for automated payment and bank statement processing.

Read more about the collaboration between TIS, HSBC and Netherlands-based Fugro Group, an international geophysics and geotechnics company, which did not have a central treasury department until Group Treasurer Simon Karregat established one in 2014. The Group had numerous ERP systems connected separately to the local banks via several e-banking tools.

“We have reached a unique milestone in Fugro. With great enthusiasm and dedication, we managed to have our payment entered in our ERP routed via TIS directly to the bank. This new setup will result in significant time saving on our operations as well as IT systems maintenance,” praises Karregat.

If you want to read more about this subject please click on in this whitepaper.

TIS (Treasury Intelligence Solutions GMBH)





Read also: How can you protect your company against fraud?


How can you protect your company against fraud?

| 16-12-2016 | Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS)  | sponsored content |

Dangers lurk in the online banking and electronic payments world for private consumers. However, the risks can be even more devastating for companies that are not properly protected, in some cases even leading to bankruptcy. Have you experienced phishing or “CFO trick” e-mails in your organization? Do you know, prior to the end of the month, how much money has perhaps been transferred out of each of the many subsidiaries in your organization? What happens when an employee has left the company, yet is still active in your systems, in some cases even still being listed with signatory rights?

 “How to protect your company against fraud”, provides insights into how you can gain a clear and central overview of your bank relationships, how you can arrange your cash positions and liquidity in a transparent way, and how you can standardize your electronic signatory authorizations.

To help you maneuver the payments and banking jungle, TIS GmbH reviewed the solutions that enable you to consolidate central processes through a Software as a Service platform. If you want to read more about this subject please click on in this whitepaper.

Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS)

Since 2010, Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS) has been combining their treasury management experience and know-how with their cloud computing and virtualisation expertise. The TIS solution is the result of these efforts: comprehensive, highly scalable and extremely secure SaaS solution to process, analyse and document all treasury management processes.



Five points to consider when choosing your payment system

| 05-10-2016 | TIS | Sponsored content |


Transparency, reduced risks – and a one million euro saving per year

The payment processes in corporations and internationally active companies are more complex than you might think at first glance – and they are unclear and non-transparent virtually everywhere. This complexity results from the branched company structure and the consequent variety of banking arrangements maintained at central HQ and out in the branch offices and subsidiaries. Various currencies, formats and security keys present an obstacle to unitary, standardized payment processes and an overall view of bank transactions.

Intelligent payment systems in the cloud can remedy this situation: they improve transparency over payment processes, reduce costs and risks and form the basis for better company decision-making. In the typical scenario of an internationally active company they easily contribute annual savings of one million euros.

Download the executive briefing.