Entries by treasuryXL

Blockchain technology by 2018: A breakthrough

| 19-6-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | Last year August I wrote a blog on what to expect for 2017. Now we are halfway 2017, so it is time to look forward to next year: 2018. According to the Gartner Hype Cycle we are now in the “Trough of Despair” stage. That indicates that we […]

2 most common financial risks faced by a company

| 16-6-2017 | Victor Macrae | treasuryXL | You might visit this site, being a treasury professional with years of experience in the field. However you could also be a student or a businessman wanting to know more details on the subject, or a reader in general, eager to learn something new. The ‘Treasury for non-treasurers’ series […]

How to get a fair deal on your derivatives trades

| 15-6-2017 | Simon Knappstein | treasuryXL   We discovered the article ‘Are you getting a fair deal on your derivatives trades” on treasurytoday. In the article derivatives are described as a good tool to mitigate risk and protect the company’s financials from moves in the market. However, derivatives come at a cost and often these […]

PSD2 is coming soon: Some information about PSD2 summed up

| 14-6-2017 | Mark van de Griendt | PowertoPay | PSD2 is approaching soon, just a few months left. But do you know what exactly PSD2 is? And more important, what does PSD2 mean for your businesses? PSD2 enables relations of banks, to use (selected) third-party providers to manage their financial data. In the near future, […]

Payment threat trends

| 12-6-2017 | Lionel Pavey | In the article ‘payment threat trends’ on FinExtra.com you can read that the European Payments Council provides an insight into the latest developments on threats affecting payments, including cybercrime. You can also download the document, which is divided in two sections. One analyses threats including denial of service attacks, […]

Financial services en Fintech

| 9-6-2017 | Peter Schuitmaker |   Onlangs las ik het artikel van Derek White, business banker op Finextra.com. Hij maakt melding van de opkomst van IT technologie op het bankwezen. Met name de opkomst van artificiële intelligentie (AI) in ons leven. Fintech is een samentrekking van financial en technology. Deze technology gaat de koers voor […]

Fastned Obligaties – wegens succes verlengd…

| 8-6-2017 | treasuryXL | In december 2016 hebben we deze vragen al eerder gesteld: Hoe interessant is beleggen in bedrijfsobligaties met een hoge rente? Hoe aantrekkelijk is deze financieringsoptie voor ondernemingen? In ons artikel namen we de obligaties van Fastned als voorbeeld. Het blijkt nu dat deze obligaties toch grote aantrekkingskracht hadden op investeerders. Opnieuw advertenties […]

What is the Blockchain and why you should care

| 7-6-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL | You might visit this site, being a treasury professional with years of experience in the field. However you could also be a student or a businessman wanting to know more details on the subject, or a reader in general, eager to learn something new. The ‘Treasury […]

Boek release: Discounted Cashflowmethode – Achtergronden en aandachtspunten

| 6-6-2017 | Peter Schuitmaker | treasuryXL |   Medio juni verschijnt een nieuw boek van onze expert Peter Schuitmaker met de titel ‘Discounted Cashflowmethode’. Dit is zijn tweede boek. Eerder publiceerde hij ‘Mijn bedrijf verkopen ‘. Wij hebben hem verzocht om ons alvast meer te vertellen over dit nieuwe boek en de daarin beschreven methode, […]