7th Annual Banking Book Risk Management | marcus evans

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Event Details

7th Annual Banking Book Risk Management

5-7 February, 2024 | Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The marcus evans 7th Annual Banking Book Risk Management conference taking place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 5-7 February, 2024 will provide delegates with the opportunity to hear from experts in banking book risk into how they are integrating the new regulation into their strategies as well as meeting the growing challenges relating to the macroeconomic environment. There will be case studies into how changing rates are impacting customer deposits and what interest rate risk professionals can do to minimize the risk of deposit flight. The event will also look into how to better monitor and model for changing interest rates to ensure that the impact on the balance book can be reduced and profit margins can still be met. Finally, there will be discussions into the relationship between interest rate risk and funds transfer pricing and how these strategies can be used to ensure optimal product pricing in the growing interest rates environment.

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05/02/2024 - 07/02/2024 (All Day)(GMT+01:00)

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