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Registratieplicht voor cryptodienstverleners bij DNB

| 26-07-2019 | ENIGMA Consulting |

Aanbieders van diensten voor het wisselen tussen cryptovaluta en fiatgeld, alsmede aanbieders van bewaarportemonnees (crypto wallets), worden vanaf 2020 verplicht zich te laten registreren bij De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). Zonder registratie mogen deze partijen hun diensten vanaf dan niet langer in of vanuit Nederland aanbieden. De registratieplicht vloeit voort uit de laatste versie van de implementatiewet tot wijziging van de vierde anti-witwasrichtlijn, ook wel bekend als AMLD5. De veranderingen uit dit wetsvoorstel worden voor Nederland doorgevoerd in de Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme (Wwft).

Via het wetsvoorstel worden cryptodienstverleners verplicht tot het doen van cliëntenonderzoek en het melden van verdachte transacties bij de FIU (Financial Intelligence Unit). Het is voor het eerst dat dergelijke dienstverleners binnen het juridisch kader van de antiwitwas- en terrorismebestrijding vallen.

Uit een vorige versie van het wetsvoorstel bleek dat minister van Financiën Hoekstra cryptodienstverleners eerst wilde verplichten een vergunning bij DNB aan te vragen. Naar aanleiding van een advies van de Raad van State van afgelopen juni is hiervan afgezien.

De Raad van State achtte een vergunningplicht een te ingrijpende en disproportionele maatregel: een vergunningaanvraag en het bijbehorende lopend toezicht zouden voor de cryptodienstverleners onevenredig veel lasten met zich meebrengen. De minister heeft dit advies overgenomen en de geplande vergunningplicht omgezet in een registratieplicht.

De Raad van State sluit in het advies een vergunningstelsel in de toekomst overigens niet uit. De vele onzekerheden rondom de ontwikkeling van cryptovaluta geven hiertoe op korte termijn echter geen aanleiding.

Om in aanmerking te komen voor een registratie dienen cryptodienstverleners bepaalde gegevens aan te leveren bij DNB, zoals het gevoerde beleid met betrekking tot klantacceptatie, transactiemonitoring en het melden van ongebruikelijke transacties. Ook toetst DNB de geschiktheid en betrouwbaarheid van de beleidsbepalers van de cryptodienstverlener. Een registratie kan op een later moment door DNB worden geschrapt indien bijvoorbeeld blijkt dat de geregistreerde partij structureel tekortschiet bij het voldoen aan de vereisten uit de Wwft of de Sanctiewet 1977.

De aanwijzingen uit de vijfde antiwitwasrichtlijn moeten op 10 januari 2020 zijn doorgevoerd in de relevante wetgeving van alle EU-lidstaten. In Nederland is het implementatiewetsvoorstel is op 1 juli ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer en eind augustus wordt de schriftelijke voorbereiding voortgezet. Indien het wetsvoorstel tijdig wordt geïmplementeerd hebben cryptodienstverleners vervolgens tot 10 juli 2020 de tijd om de registratieprocedure bij DNB af te ronden.

Wilt u weten of de cryptodienst die u aanbiedt onder deze nieuwe verplichtingen valt, of heeft u als cryptodienstverlener andere vragen over de gevolgen van de nieuwe richtlijn voor uw onderneming? Neem dan gerust contact op met Enigma Consulting.




Big tech vs Fintech vs Banks – in international payments

| 09-07-2019 | by Patrick Kunz |

This title makes it sounds like it’s a fight. To be honest: it is! The market for international payments is huge and its lucrative. In a McKinsey report the 2018 market size for payment revenues was close to 2 Billion. Not strange everybody wants a slice of that.

Fintech & Banks

Traditionally the market for international payments was dominated by banks. Recent years and technological advancements has shown that banks are slow to adapt to new technology and market requirements. In some cases it still takes days to transfer money from Europe to Asia, while an email, FB message or picture can be send in seconds. Fintech has tried to fill the gap with innovative tech solutions that solve these problems. Often these companies are lean and mean and adapt to market changes much quicker than the big stable banks. They provide cloud solutions, link to every bank possible and make you more bank independent. Lately we have seen consolidation in the fintech market where players are merging, growing or being taken over by banks. Some banks have started their own fintech. But often fintech only solved a part of the problem and is build on the existing (bank) infrastructure. Banks are also working on innovation: instant payments, swift GPI and PSD2 api’s are helping the customer paying faster and easier. These initiatives are great but have taken years to be implemented.


Then there is a third group of players: big tech. These are the google, facebook and alixpress of our world. These are traditionally IT companies who have a big client base but these companies where not involved in payments (yet). Their edge is size, market access and fast adoption. What happens if they enter the market for payments? Are they likely to win? Look at Alipay, massively successful in China but growing immensely outside Asia to. Why ? because it is easy to use, innovative, low cost and probably most importantly connected with an existing service of the bigtech (alixpress – shopping). The company provides the full customer journey: shopping for product and paying the goods in the most easy way without moving away from the website. Not only via desktop but also via mobile. On the go they make it possible to pay by scanning a QR code, in a grocery store or in a cab. Who needs cash OR a debit card, you only need your mobile phone and an app! Why was this successful? Because the existing customer base was already there they just vertically integrated into the customer journey; easier for the customer and therefore extra revenue for Ali. But also more power for Ali.

Stablecoin Libra

Looking at Facebook and their Stablecoin Libra. Digital currency, unregulated, not based on the traditional banking/payment infrastructure. There are big and significant differences with Bitcoin but the idea is the same: sending and receiving money worldwide in an instant as digital currency. There should be no speculation on the Libra-Rate as the rate of exchange is based on a basket of currencies (EUR, USD, JPY etc). Similar to the old tech Special Drawing Rights from the IMF. So what makes libra different to bitcoin and the other coins? I am not going into the technical differences as that is beyond my scope and would bore you. The main difference is the easy of adoption. New to bitcoin and want to use it: you have to open a wallet, trading account and learn have to transfer the BTC to somebody and the receivers also needs a wallet; a barrier for most. Using Libra will be much easier as it is just an extension of the services of Facebook. Libra potentially has 2,4 billion users (the number of facebook accounts). This is a big competitive advantage. Compared with smart marketing (facebook knows that) and combining it with existing products there is a big potential. Sending money to your facebook friends in Australia or Japan? No problem: in-an-instant via Libra. Besides facebook it is also supported by other big players like Visa, Spotify, Paypall, Mastercard, Vodafone. Is there a future without Libra ? And how many facebook users are there without an bank account. There are 2,4 billion facebook users and 1,7 billion people without a bank account in this world. The reach is already huge so there is low barrier for adoption.

The Battle

Does this mean bigtech will be ‘winning’? In my opinion hard to say. That battle is being fought the coming years. Don’t forgot the power and influence of regulator and governments. Digital payments are unregulated and unknown and could influence the power of governments and the whole banking infrastructure of money regulation, central bank money creation and some even fear de-stabilization of the monetary system as a whole. Regulators could stop/limit the quick steps forward by bigtech.

The coming years will be exiting to see the technological advancements in the battle for payment revenue. The winner will be the consumer; easy of paying will increase further and more importantly the speed will increase. Paying how we want and within a blink of an eye, and this worldwide, will be the new standard within several years.


Patrick Kunz

Treasury, Finance & Risk Consultant/ Owner Pecunia Treasury & Finance BV


Digital currency – to bitcoin a phrase

| 05-02-2018 | treasuryXL |

These are volatile times in the world of Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies. Over the last 2 months there have been large swings in the price – price opened up around USD 10,000 at the start of December 2017 and then roared ahead to over USD 19,000; this was followed by continual declines with the price dropping below USD 9,000 at the end of last week. This morning the price has gone under USD 8,000. Bitcoin has been renowned for its volatility, but are there fundamental factors at work that are affecting the price?


Yet another hack in the cryptocurrency world– this time of NEM at Coindesk – led to the theft of around USD 500 million. Security seems to be a factor and is having an effect on confidence and sustainability.

Lack of regulation

As a currency and industry that is still very young, there is a lack of proper regulation. When compared to legal tender currencies there is a distinct lack of consumer protection and regulatory framework. Losing all your savings is a high risk that is prevalent in an industry that is so lacking in clear and concise regulations. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, a regulatory agency in the United States, recently subpoenaed Bitfinex – a cryptocurrency exchange – for possible price manipulation. Their currency – Tether – is supposed to be backed by traditional money, though it appears that Tether has been created without the backing of physical money.


The Indian Finance Ministry has spoken about banning cryptocurrency – China is looking at blocking access to exchanges. In South Korea illegal foreign exchange trading using cryptocurrency has been discovered. Possible government intervention is detrimental to the development of digital currency.

Futures market

Whilst it is still too early to report in great detail, opinion is being voiced that the introduction of futures contracts are having an adverse impact on the pricing of cryptocurrency.


Major US banks have started banning their customers from buying cryptocurrency with their credit cards. The banks are worried about the price volatility and people purchasing investment products via credit.

Lack of commercial acceptance

Until cryptocurrency is accepted by major retailers, it will not be seen as a genuine alternative to fiat currency. Yet again, the price volatility appears to be holding back major stores in embracing the digital coins.


As a pioneer in the cryptocurrency world, Bitcoin is starting to shows its age. Its file size – 1 megabyte containing about 2500 transactions – is being superseded. Bitcoin cash is 8 times larger and far quicker. It is taking a lot of time for transactions to be verified and the costs to send Bitcoin has increased dramatically – more than USD 100.

Bitcoin is still up around 700 per cent from the beginning of 2017, but the enthusiasm and positive belief seem to be evaporating as the market becomes more mature.


If you want more information please feel free to contact us via email [email protected]